Thursday, December 30, 2010

Year of the Tiger!

Yay! Malaysia won the AFF Suzuki Cup. Gonna edit this post later. I have no mood to write right now.

The coveted trophy

Congrats boys! You guys deserved it!

A brilliant poster by Nike.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Beginning

First time blogging! Yay. I was assigned to do this blog by my Technical English II lecturer. So this is an assignment. A cool one. I've always wanted to blog. But I guess I'm too lazy. Hehe. So this assignment maybe will be an encouragement for me to write more. Maybe. So here I am. Blogging about my weekly Technical English II (Tech II) class. :)

Enough with the cheesy introduction, lets go to the serious stuff. This week in Tech II class my classmates and I were given exercise about adjectives, verbs and nouns. For example the adjective for the word reflect is reflected while the verb and the noun are reflecting and reflection respectively. Finding the adjectives for each word were pretty tricky because I thought past tense and adjective are the same. Wrong.

The best part of this week's class was our superhero name and describing the ability. My alter-ego is Hypno and I can make people fall asleep with just a touch. Pretty lame, I know. Didi's superhero name is The Black Shadow. Now that's pretty cool I must say. At the end of the class, Miss Baiti gave an assignment that I'm doing right now. This blog.

So this is pretty much it. My first post. Looking forward to next week already. Until then, please support the Malaysian Football Team this Sunday. We can beat Indonesia. Come on Tigers! :)


Malaysia XI